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Garland Motors Maintenance Tram MT302
General Purpose maintenance and utility tram with cherry picker, in common usage throughout Terran worlds and ships.

1 Driver

Maintenance Trams or trolleys are not an uncommon sight aboard colony cylinders, generation ships, starbases, and very large space stations. Though there are a wide variety of vehicles under this category, the Garland Motors Maintenance Tram is by far one of the most commonly encountered. Built upon the basic tram chassis Garland Motors uses for it's entire tram line (Passenger Trams, Ordinance Trams, Emergency Response Trams) it is essentially a Tow motor dragging a tool bay. The trailer mounts numerous configurable tool compartments, a built in hybrid diesal-electric generator, air compressor, a hydraulic lift work platform, and space for a mobile stair platform. Just as with other Garland Motors Trams, the Maintenance Tram features a trailer hitch to tow aditional trailers of tools, parts, Materials, etc...

CREDITS: Davorama (a.k.a Davo, Beyondbent, Powerfusion3D, PoserFusion3D), All the great Kitbashers who have posted images of assemblies with Davo's sets that inspired me.
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GM Maintenance Tram.jpg
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324.2 KB
Date taken
Sat, 01 May 2021 2:20 AM
1280px x 960px

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